vatican II: The role of the Laity

vatican II : The Role of the Laity

Laity comes from the Greek word “Laos” which means
When Catholics speak about the Church, they are not
talking just about a building. The Church is made up of
people and each individual has a role to play and a story
to tell about his or her own faith journey. One of the
most powerful ways of describing the Church is as “the
People of God”. This is a term that was used at the Second
Vatican Council (1962–1965), a meeting of the Pope and all
the bishops of the Catholic Church. As members of God’s
people, we each have a role to play in the Church and in
the wider society. This also means that as part of God’s
family, we have responsibilities to ourselves, each other
and to God. At the heart of these responsibilities is a call to
holiness, that is, to become more like Christ in everything
we do, so that we can serve others.

the working of the church it was the concretion 

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